Actionable Intelligence Unleased
Affordable, accessible and personalized analytics solutions that drive the healthcare of today and tomorrow.
Our Mission
To enable healthcare leaders to achieve their strategic goals and improve outcomes
by unleashing the power of their data.
Community is passionate about healthcare and even more passionate about the analysts in healthcare who empower clinicians and leaders through data.
We are committed to building a strong community of healthcare analysts and we host bi-monthly User Community calls where you meet with your peers and share ideas and solutions so that we grow together.
“We implemented Surgery Insights to solve our block utilization problems. The solution gave us actionable insights that enabled us to reduce surgery wait times, improve utilization, and make our department more productive. We now have direct visibility into our operations and saved almost $500K per year by recapturing lost OR time.”
— A large Connecticut hospital
Our People & Our Office
Some of the smartest healthcare analytics brains live here, well, work here... well, truly, they work from where they live. has chosen to ‘go to the talent’ and assemble the smartest team to solve big problems, irrespective of where they live.