Where the Future of Health Happens

Sunday, Nov 13 - Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022

The Venetian Expo - Las Vegas, NV

Join Healthcare's #1 Innovation Event

What’s New This Year

  • Well by HLTH - The inaugural ‘event within an event’ for consumer-focused health and wellness participants.

  • StartUp Health Festival - Uniting health innovators with a curated program designed to support health moonshots.

  • HLTH Employer Experience - Dedicated program for all employers looking to tap into the health ecosystem.

  • Patients at HLTH - Join patients and industry advocates in a HLTH Foundation Impact Program and Activation.

Curated Networking Opportunities

HLTH makes networking effortless with efficient, concierge-style meetings, getting you unprecedented access to decision makers, healthcare buyers, and a community of shared interests.

  • Hosted Buyer Program - Connecting approved buyers and solutions providers through double opt-in, 15 minute, 1:1 meetings designed to maximize your time and drive growth.

  • Funding Founders Program - This networking program matches startup executives with leading investors in a series of efficient, productive 10 minute, 1:1 meetings.

  • HLTH Connect Lounge - Mingle with other attendees through our digital platform and select a spot to meet in HLTH Connect lounge located in the exhibit hall.

Meet with Ruben Martinez-Raposo to discuss the future of data analytics in the healthcare industry.


Ruben Martinez-Raposo, M.E., MSHA

President, HealthInsights

Ruben is a Healthcare technologist, innovator and executive with 20 years of experience working in various roles in Healthcare IT operations, management, and leadership roles with successful healthcare technology start-ups such as Emageon and Awarix, as well as global enterprises such as McKesson, Change Healthcare, and Becton & Dickinson. In his current role as President of HealthInsights.ai, a Healthcare and Life Science Data & Analytics firm, he leads and manages the portfolio of products and services that HealthInsights.ai offers to Health Systems, Payers, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotech companies. He is responsible for leading the organization and managing product strategy, business development, operations, strategic partnerships and overall customer success.

Prior to his current role, Ruben led the development of analytical platforms and products as a program manager for global medical device company Becton & Dickinson and as senior product manager for McKesson and Change Healthcare. He holds a Bachelors of Science Cum Laude in Management Information Systems, completed his Master of Engineering in Information Sciences in 2012, and received his Executive Masters of Science degree in Healthcare administration in 2015 all from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has been a member of ACHE since 2015 and has presented and moderated several ACHE, HIMSS and Healthcare Technology conferences.